
I'm all on board for CVS and I'm not talking about the Pharmacy.
I am talking Christian V. Siriano!!!
 His Spring 2010 shoe line for Payless is amazing!!!
Get yourself situated with a few of the shoes below!!

It's always good to ::payless::
These shoegasms will not have the same price point as your regular Payless items (79.99) but they will definitely not break the bank either. 
I read that his shoes have been toned down once they hit market...I guess to appeal to the average Payless shopper. I know one thing, if these shoes debut in stores with the runway look, there will be two new pairs of shoes sitting in a nice comfy spot in my closet!
Scheduled to make their way into Payless stores in March...we shall see then! 
::SIDENOTE:: Since they remind me of A.McQueen, I am in love even more!!
